.shape your dreams.

Pay one handbook, get both! NOW $22.04 11.57Every mark tells a story.
Uncover Polynesian tattoos today.

Car tattoos

Tattoos for real cars and RC models

Would you like to personalize your car with tattoos? Here you can find vector files that can be endlessly enlarged, or pdf files if you prefer, which you can use for printing your stickers.
You just have to download them and give them to a shop that prints stickers (you can find many online too), and you're good to go.

Used reverted, as stencils, they are great as a basis for your RC models and for airbrush works.

Looking for a specific design not available in our tattoo section? You can request one in our custom tattoos section.

Unchain your fantasy!

5 Articles published:


04 March 2008


25 June 2007

Tribal 02 

03 June 2007

Tribal 03 

03 June 2007

Tribal 01 

02 June 2007



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