This Polynesian forearm sleeve tattoo was prepared for Mark and it represents the balance he gets from being in nature.
A frigate bird and a manta placed centrally give shape to a warrior face
with his tongue stretched out to symbolize setting challenges.
The manta depicts both freedom and the sea, while the frigate stands
for the higher perspective perceived from the top of a mountain, both
physically and mentally.
Waves and mountains also appear below the warrior, on the sides of a
Marquesan cross representing balance and harmony, surrounded by a sun
for joy, while two paths of Kamehameha on the sides of the manta
symbolize the challenging path to get there.
The warrior's eyes are a ipu for fertility and an all-seeing eye for protection, while two tiki meet around the arm to give protection from all sides.
The hammerhead shark is a symbol of tenacity, determination and strength and the lizard stands for good luck and health.
Spearheads symbolize the warrior, also represented by the enata on top in the center of the frigate bird, while on its sides ancestors and people represent family and friends, and the stepping stones at the base are achievements.
The colored image below helps identifying the individual elements
within the tattoo: