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Glowing tattoos tattoo photo

Glowing tattoos
The new fronteer of "invisible" tattoos

July 29th, 2007

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Did your job or other constraints kept you from getting that tattoo you love?

Until not so long ago, the only alternatives were henna tattoos, which don´t leave any track after a few months, but which are perfectly visible before that, and solar tattoos, which require a nice dose of patience to get them and, guess what?, they are perfectly visible too until they fade away.

You could object that you WANT a tattoo to be visible; why having a tattoo no one can see, not even you?

What about a tattoo that gets visible in some cases only, like in the darkness or maybe when you are at the disco? Yes, because now it is possible to make tattoos with a special ink that becomes visible exclusively under blacklights, which are mainly used, you guessed right, in disco pubs, to have white clothes glow in the dark.

There are several kinds of blacklight inks, some of which are held safe like the classical tattooing black ink, as they do not contain cancerogenous substances, phosphors or ;Everglow®, but just plastic fluorescent microspheres suspended in sterilized water.

This kind of tattoos has been used on animals for more than ten years to help follow their migrations, and study their behaviours, without any kind of adverse reaction, and over the last years man successfully used it ;with decorational purposes.

Things are different with inks that contain phosphorus, which is a substance that absorbs light and then releases it back slowly, which are not FDA approved as phosphorus is indicated to be carcenogenic.

So if you're thinking of getting a glow-in-the-dark tattoo, get well informed on ink ingredients and their long-term effects: knowledge is power!

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